142 Reviews

Prettau® Implant Bridge Candidates

For years now, dental implants have offered patients who have lost one or more of their natural teeth a potentially ideal method of tooth replacement. Implant-restorations provided patients with a multitude of oral health and cosmetic benefits, far more than any other treatment for missing teeth. Over the past decade, the technology has continued to improve, even making it possible in some cases to plan and place dental implants in a single day.

Through it all, cosmetic dentist Clifford Degel has been at the forefront of dental implant technology. From Implants in a Day using the SimPlant™ system to revolutionary HYBRIDGE® technology, Dr. Degel has always offered his patients the absolute state-of-the-art in implant dentistry. Now, he is proud to introduce his patients to the next generation of dental implant technology: the Prettau® Implant Bridge.

In terms of its stability, longevity, and aesthetics, the Prettau® Implant Bridge represents the pinnacle of dental implant technology to date. If you are missing some or all of your natural teeth, the Prettau® Implant Bridge offers you the opportunity to restore health, beauty, and function to your mouth at a higher level of quality than ever before possible.

During your initial consultation with Dr. Degel at his cosmetic dentistry practice in Long Island, Prettau® Bridge benefits will be explained to you in detail. Dr. Degel will also examine your mouth thoroughly to assess your candidacy for the implant surgery.

Are you a good candidate for the Prettau® Implant Bridge? The best way to find out is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Degel today!

Candidacy for the Prettau® Implant Bridge

The good news is that most patients who are missing some or all of their natural teeth will be suitable candidates for the Prettau® Implant Bridge. It is a particularly good treatment option for patients who are tired of ill-fitting removable dentures or who wish to replace their current porcelain restorations with restorations made of a harder-wearing material. The Prettau® Implant Bridge is made of Zirconia, a non-acrylic, non-porous material that is highly resistant to chipping and staining, and is far more likely to last for a lifetime than porcelain.

As with all dental implants, patients who wish to receive the Prettau® Implant Bridge must have sufficient jaw bone density to support the implant. Those patients who do not have sufficiently dense jaw bones may be able to improve their candidacy by undergoing a bone grafting procedure.

Good candidates for the Prettau® Implant Bridge will also be in basically good oral and overall health, free from advanced periodontal disease and such diseases as uncontrolled diabetes and immune deficiencies.

Chances are, however, that if you are missing teeth, you’ll be able to enjoy the many benefits of the Prettau® Implant Bridge.

Find Out Whether You’re a Candidate for the Prettau® Implant Bridge

To find out whether you are a good candidate for the Prettau® Implant Bridge, call or email the cosmetic dentistry practice of Dr. Clifford Degel today.

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