Many people get a little nervous before their dental visits. They may wonder if they have cavities, or if the dentist will know they haven’t been flossing as much as they should have. This kind of light nervousness is normal, and to be honest, it’s something a lot of dentists experience when they go in for their check-ups.
For some people, this nervousness can be severe and debilitating, which is where oral conscious sedation can make all the difference. If you know someone that gets anxious or afraid about visiting a Manhattan cosmetic dentist, let them know that dental sedation may be for them.
About Dental Anxiety
We mentioned above the mild nervousness is normal, but dental anxiety is a whole different issue. The condition refers to people who are frightened of dental visits or have panic attacks when they visit a dentist. This aversion to dentistry can be so severe that a person avoids getting necessary treatment for years. This usually means that minor dental problems go untreated and become major dental health and general health problems.
Thankfully we have an answer for these patients at our Astoria cosmetic and restorative dentistry center: sedation dentistry.
What is oral conscious sedation?
Oral conscious sedation refers to the use of an oral sedative prior to seeing our Astoria cosmetic dentists. After taking the sedative and being driven to our practice by a loved one, patients will be conscious but in a totally relaxed state.
No Shots or IVs Required
While some sedation methods will involve needles, oral conscious sedation simply involves medication administered in pill form or liquid form. No need for mild discomfort or fear through needles. Oral conscious sedation is simple and easy.
Sedation Dentistry Overcomes Dental Anxiety
The use of Queens sedation dentistry means that people who normally suffer from dental anxiety will be free from stress and fear during their visit. Panic attacks at the office will be a thing of the past.
Sedation Dentistry Remedies Poor Gag Reflex
People who suffer from a poor gag reflex will be greatly helped by oral conscious sedation. When they come to our office, they will no longer have to worry about discomfort during basic dental care procedures.
Sedation Dentistry Allows for Complex Dental Care Needs
For patients with serious dental health or aesthetics issues requiring extensive restorative dentistry or smile makeover therapies, oral conscious sedation is ideal. Patients who may feel agitated or antsy from long dental procedures will now sit easy and restful for the duration of treatment.
Sedation Dentistry Helps Patients with Health Conditions/Disabilities
Some patients have health conditions that may make it difficult to sit still for long period of time, such as cerebral palsy or Parkinson’s. We’re happy to say that oral conscious sedation often helps these patients remain still and relaxed during their visit so that they can safely receive excellent dental care.
Learn More About Advanced Dental Care Treatment
To learn more about sedation dentistry and other options out there for patient-centered care, be sure to contact our Astoria cosmetic dentists today. Our entire team is eager to meet you in person and help you achieve excellent dental health.