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Bad breath is something we’ve all had at some point or another. In some cases it’s just minor–like a case of morning breath or something like that. Other times, the bad breath may be quite serious and even linked to other kinds of major health problems. Our Long Island cosmetic dentist and the team here at the office would like to take a brief moment right now to look over some options you have when it comes to fighting off bad breath. This advice can really help you out.

First of all, it should be noted that bad breath is often caused by the bacteria that lives in your mouth, which causes plaque, tooth decay, and even gum disease. There are other factors that can contribute to bad breath as well. Dry mouth, for example, provides the bacteria in your mouth with an ideal habitat. Various health problems involving your throat, your lungs, and your digestive system can also cause bad breath.

One way that you can prevent bad breath is by practicing good dental hygiene. This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day (ideally you should brush after every meal), flossing daily, and using a tongue scraper (a lot of bacteria hides on the tongue and a tongue scraper can help remove this bacteria).

Another way to fight bad breath is staying hydrated. Be sure to drink a few glasses of water each day. This will help keep your mouth nice and moist and it will also help remove food particles between your teeth. Since alcohol can dry your mouth out, it’s a good idea to drink alcoholic beverages in moderation and to use mouthwashes that contain no alcohol.

Smoking can obviously lead to bad breath, so you should quit smoking if you want to keep that mouth clean and fresh. (You should also quit given all of the other health problems associated with smoking.)

If the above doesn’t help you deal with halitosis, you may have a more complex issue that must be dealt with by your doctor or a dentist. To learn more about bad breath treatment as well as Long Island dental implants and other dental treatments, be sure to contact our Astoria cosmetic dentistry practice for a consultation.

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