Gum Contouring for Small Teeth

The size of the teeth is one factor that can have a surprising impact on the way you look. Prominent gums and other factors could leave your teeth looking tiny. Dr. Clifford Degel and Dr. Carmen Every-Degel have plenty of ways to address this, from porcelain veneers to orthodontics. Sometimes advanced gum contouring surgery to reshape and sculpt the gumline may be the right option.

The team at our Queens, NY cosmetic and restorative dentistry center would like to consider the issue of small teeth and how gum contouring works. We can discuss gum contouring at Astoria Dental Group in more detail during an in-person consultation.

The Gumline and Small Teeth

Sometimes when a person has a prominent gumline, the gum tissue conceals more of the crown of a tooth than it should. In these cases, the teeth appear shorter because the gums are much larger and cover more of the tooth than they should.

When prominent gums are an issue, it can cause a great deal of self-consciousness, making a person hesitant to laugh, smile, and speak, even around people that they’ve known for many years.

Other Causes of Small Teeth

In addition to prominent gums, some other potential causes of small teeth include:

  • Genetics
  • Fractures
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • Poor dental alignment

Whether small tooth size is the result of prominent gums or any of the other issues noted above, gum contouring may be the right option to consider.

How Gum Contouring Works

Hum contouring involves the removal of a small amount of gum tissue along the gumline. This helps reveal more of the underlying crown of the tooth, elongating its appearance in the process.

Good Candidates for Gum Contouring

Ideal candidates for gum contouring are people who have prominent gums that overlap healthy, normal tooth structure. It’s important that the these patients have teeth of normal size and length so there are no dental health problems when the gum tissue is removed.

During the consultation process, we will be sure to note the risks and benefits of this procedure, and help patients understand the overall treatment and what it entails. Offering answers and realistic expectations tends to improve patient satisfaction and outcomes.

The Gum Contouring Process

During gum contouring, a small amount of local anesthesia is used to numb the gumline. Using dental lasers, small, precise amounts of gum tissue are removed. Because the laser cauterizes as it cuts, bleeding is minimal, as is the risk of infection. We’ll work diligently to ensure none of the root structure of a tooth is exposed.

Recovery from Gum Contouring

After the gum contouring is completed, the patient recovery process is generally quick and simple. Patients may experience mild discomfort and swelling along the gumline. The swelling will go down on its own after a few days. Soreness can be addressed through the use of pain relievers. Patients should eat soft, non-spicy foods that do not have crumbs. When possible, try to avoid biting or chewing with the teeth located along the portion of the contoured gumline.

The Results of Gum Contouring

The results of gum contouring can be quite dramatic. Even if just a small amount of gum tissue is removed, a patient’s teeth may seem more prominent. This can work wonders for a person’s smile, and can help them get over self-consciousness about their appearance.

Contact Astoria Dental Group

To learn more about gum contouring surgery and whether or not it’s the right option for you, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist. Our dentists are here to help you. Schedule a consultation with our team by calling (718) 866-3710.

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