I liked the care I received after surgery as well as the follow up to make sure that I was ok the next day.

Necessary work explained clearly and performed quickly.

I felt the Dentist was helpful and took a lot of time to explain the new mouth guard and answered all my questions. In past visits, I have found the staff to be considerate and helpful. The assistant who works with the insurance companies is always very helpful.

I am very happy to have found an up to date modern dentist with a nice office, TV in each room, having the work done so quickly!! My other dentist did not even have a fax machine!!!

Always a great experience. Great friendly staff and knowledgeable dentist.

Extremely courteous friendly and well trained.

Everyone was great

Everything is excellent. I have been a patient for 15 years and everyone has always been friendly and professional. I would recommend anyone family or friends (and have) to the office.
Dr. Degel,

I want to thank you for making a huge difference in the quality of my life!  I received Botox injections from you in my Masseter and Temporal muscles to (successfully attempt to) treat the symptoms of my Temporo-mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder.

The very next day following the injections I noticed a HUGE improvement!  I had no pain, tenderness, or difficulty with chewing food.  Beyond that day, I quickly noticed more improvement; my jaw now feels like how it used to feel.  I do not get anymore migraine headaches.  It is wonderful to be able to eat without feeling pain!  I would never think twice about the cost or the minor discomfort of the injections because the difference it made.  It is a miracle!

I can’t tell you how much I am thankful for your willingness to treat me.  I want others with TMJ pain to be able to experience the relief from Botox injections, and hope the FDA approves it for this purpose because… IT WORKS!

Thank you,
Kaci Costello


Dr. Degel and staff,

I must apologize for taking such a long time in sending this note, but with losing my sister, everyday work and school, it’s been busy.
I just wanted to let you know that 3 years ago when I needed an extensive amount of dental work and decided to change a dentist that I was happy with but did not do implants, I could have not made a better decision in choosing your office.
Not only did you do such a wonderful job in placing the implants in my mouth, they feel and look like natural teeth, but you also did such a beautiful job cosmetically.  From the very beginning, you understood what it feels like to be the patient and understood that one’s teeth is a primary part of the way they look, and it is so important to have them look great.  When there was a problem with the lab when they made my bridge the wrong color, and another time they didn’t make the bridge flush with my gumline and there were gaps between the teeth, you immediately assured me that everything would be taken care of and my teeth would look great.  Then you personally spoke to the lab to fix the problems.  As you assured me, they couldn’t have come out any more perfect.
Your continued patience and understanding was shown to me every time I entered your office.  It is your professionalism and expertise that make you a great dentist.
As I said before, not only did you do a great job with placing my implants, making my bridgework look beautiful, but also with the way that you adjusted my bite.  I would, without hesitation, continue to recommend your office to not only continue to provide my dental work, but also my family’s and anyone who needs a great dentist.
I would also like to take the time to thank your staff who has always been a great help.  Both you and your staff take the fear out of dentistry and make a patient feel so safe and comfortable which normally would be an unpleasant trip to the dentist office.

It is with sincere appreciation and warmest thanks to you that I let you know how happy I am that I changed dentist.

Lisa Higgins


Dear Dr. Degel,

It’s been a little more than a month since I have had my new teeth, and the best way I can express my satisfaction and gratitude to you is to say that they feel like old teeth.  Certainly not my old teeth, because all I ever felt with them was discomfort and embarrassment.  Now I find I can eat and speak with renewed confidence, and most importantly, smile.  And every time I feel proud to smile, I take the time to be proud for you and your talent as a dentist.

When I first came to you less than one year ago, I felt hopeless about my dental situation.  I never dreamed when I met you that you would be able to make such an enormous change in my life.  So much so, in fact, that it is easy for me now to take it for granted on a day-to-day basis.  I have to remember where I would be today if not for you.  Yes, it was a bit of a rough year and, yes, it has been a financial strain, but as I said to you, it has been worth every moment of every appointment and every penny spent.  If any of your patients doubt for a moment that they want to put themselves through the time and expense of dental implants, send them to me.  Never will they choose so wisely if the opt to go ahead with it.

For the sake of any patient, who is considering whether or not to embark on what will seem to them at first glance a torturous road, let me say this: although every appointment will bring its fair share of discomforts that are a part of any dental visit, along with some of the emotional ache of extractions and learning to live with temporary, sometimes clumsy-feeling removable dentures, etc., each visit will also bring about positive results.  Your mouth will look considerably better from the outset.  I won’t lie and say that the several little physical, not to mention psychological, adjustments you have to make along the way won’t contribute a bit of stress, but if you could only really know the happiness the final outcome will bring, you would realize how relatively minor these are in comparison.

I’m fairly certain that any person facing the decision of a long, costly dental “overhaul” will have had much the same experience with their teeth I had.  Long years of discomfort and unhappiness with their teeth have brought them to this moment.  I urge each one to seriously consider doing this one wonderful thing for themselves.  It will erase the tension they have come to think of as an irreversible part of their everyday lives.  It does not have to be this way.  Unfortunately, there is no easy, cheap, overnight miracle.  I can say, however, that choosing to go forward with treatment brings the next best thing.  It’s all over before you know it (the months fly by more quickly than you would think) and you do feel that some type of miracle has occurred.

I never regret for a moment my decision to go ahead with treatment.  It has brought me a level of relief and happiness I never thought I would feel about my teeth.  I’m sure everyone I know will eventually get sick of me smiling all the time, and you, Dr. Degel, will tire of hearing me tell you how I think you’re my hero.  But indulge me just this once more.  You are my hero.  And, yes, in fact, I am smiling while I’m writing this.

Very gratefully yours,

Julie Sisti


Dear Dr. Degel,

Just a short note to let you know how happy I am with my “new” teeth and how my new look has changed my life.

Before I met you, I was very self-conscious of my crooked teeth and rarely smiled.  Also, my speech was affected by the fact that my lower teeth overlapped my upper teeth.  Now, since you corrected this defect, my speech has improved.  In my current job as a car salesman, it is important to speak clearly and smile when dealing with potential clients.  Thanks to your dental work, I can.  I am happy to say that my new-found confidence has enabled me to become one of the top salesmen in my field.

Thank you, Dr. Degel.  All I can say is I hope that others who are self-conscious about their teeth will correct the problem.  I’m sure glad I did.


Darren Leider


Dear Dr. Degel,

I just wanted to send you a quick note to say that I’ll be moving to the West Coast at the end of the month.  I want to thank you for the excellent dental care and treatment I’ve received from your staff and yourself over the years.

I can’t tell you what a relief the implants in my jaw were after demanding service “above and beyond the call of duty” in my three ancient baby teeth.

Give my best to Este, your wife and the rest of your staff.  I wish you the best of everything in the future.

Headed to Hollywood without the “Hollywood Smile”,

Bill Kelly


Dear Dr. Degel,

Thank you so much for the wonderful mini implant procedure you did for me recently regarding my lower denture.  I can now eat to my heart’s content and in comfort.  I was very impressed with the ease with which you did the procedure.  There was no swelling and no blood.  I would recommend the mini implants highly to whoever suffers with dentures.




Dear Dr. Degel,

I have recently completed a procedure that changed my whole life around.  For about five years I had an upper denture that never fit properly I did have bottom teeth.  Because of gums I had to have all my bottom teeth extracted, leaving me with a major problem.  Thanks to you Dr. Degel you suggested to me implants on the bottom of my mouth and of course my denture on top.

Because of these implants on the bottom my denture always fits secure and that also helps my upper denture.

This was a less expensive procedure and I feel so comfortable and they also look beautiful.  I recommend this procedure to everyone that unfortunately must lose their teeth that alone is a devastating ordeal.

Thanks to Dr. Degel advice and concern I am left a definite happy customer and would recommend him highly.

Thank you and your staff

Anna P. Beis


Dear Dr. Degel,

Just a note to let you know how delighted I am with the mini-implants for my upper plate.  I can once again enjoy eating-anything.  I just don’t think about what on the menu is going to cause me pain and embarrassment because both have been eliminated from my concerns.

You did promise me that my eating would be more enjoyable, but it is in the other areas of my life that the change has had huge unanticipated benefits.  As you know, I teach at Columbia which means I have to talk to large groups.  With the implants holding my upper plate as firm as if they were part of my jaw, I can speak more distinctly (especially since you were able to remove a good portion of the palette) and with much greater confidence.

Please feel free to show this letter to others contemplating mini-implants.


Nick Proferes


Dear Carmen,

I’m sorry this has taken so long, but it comes with more good wishes, admiration and gratitude than you can imagine.  I am so thrilled with my new smile and all you have done for me that I scarcely know how to begin thanking you.  From the moment I met you, I had utter confidence in your skill and complete trust in your integrity.  I was right to come to you.  In the ten-month long journey we shared, I never felt anything but faith in the process and never experienced anything but kindness and compassion, both from you and from the wonderful, adorable women who work with you.  Whatever opinions you all had of an obviously intelligent woman who had so neglected her teeth, you chose to make me feel welcome and comfortable.  I was treated with such kindness and respect.  I will never forget how painless you made it all, how little worry I had, just an agreeable sense of everyone working toward a solution.  I could say I wish I had done this sooner, but perhaps there was a special reason for the timing.

In any event, two small tokens to begin 2006, during which I hope that you and your husband and daughters will share in the gifts, love and good health in abundance.  The wine is an unusual one (purple teeth guaranteed!) and the other, something for you that you might perhaps wear in Aruba.  Somehow, I see it on a tanned, bare arm.  Again, my thanks and every good wish, every day.



Thanks for the “no pain” “dazzling” smile!!!



To Dr. Degel and all of his wonderful, caring, and patient staff.

Thank you for making my visits as comfortable as possible.  The follow-up calls are very refreshing!


A Sincere Thanks to my Dentist, Dr. Clifford Degel

Dear Dr. Degel,

It is the day after Thanksgiving, and I thought of you and your amazing team at Astoria Dental.  I had to write to tell you that it has been almost two months since I came to you and I am still PAIN FREE!  My Temporal Mandibular Joint pain (TMJ) was relieved by your expert “DENTOX” procedure.

It had been five months of searching before I found you.  Seven doctors- four of them “Specialists”- and still I suffered.  I have dental films, MRIS, mouth guards and empty promises from dentists throughout three different states.  The dentists and oral specialists that I saw all told me that my condition was not “terminal”, that my TMJ pain would likely go away on its own.  So I followed their advice, struggling through each day as the pain overtook my life.  I went through my wedding in pain, and continued in pain through the precious first few months of marriage.  I struggled to give thanks for those moments when I was pain free and happy, but the pain free moments came less and less.  Slowly, muscle relaxants, pain pills and empty assurances became my steady diet.  Here I was newly married with no quality of life.

Today, I am PAIN FREE.  I ate Thanksgiving dinner last night, smiled at my husband, and gave a special thanks for “healing” and Dr. Degel.




Dear Dr. Degel,

I am sending you this note to say thank you to you and Andrea.  Thank you, for your hospitality and wonderful kindness.  I really enjoyed my time at the dentist for the first time in 27 years.  I really don’t like dentists, but you made me love Astoria Dental Group.

Thank you so much


Dear Dr. Degel,

My jaws ache from smiling!  Thank you so much for giving me such a beautiful smile.

I was hesitant to see my “other” dentist because I felt so disloyal.  He looked at my teeth and pronounced them not good but perfect.  Just wanted to pass on the praise from another professional.

Thank you and your staff for the great atmosphere, professionalism, and warmth I felt during every visit.


Emily Quinn

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